bathroom closet organization

Ultimate Guide to Bathroom Closet Organization: Tips, Ideas, and Inspiration

An organized space can revolutionize your morning routine. As we navigate the often overlooked but crucial world of bathroom closet organization, we aim to provide comprehensive strategies, innovative tips, and a wealth of inspiration to transform your bathroom closet into a well-ordered haven.

Let’s make clutter a thing of the past!

Bathroom Closet Organization Tips

Take the first step in bathroom closet organization by purging and cleaning out any items that are no longer needed or used. Then, assess the mess and determine which products would best suit your needs in terms of storage and organization.

Finally, think about placement and labeling to keep everything easily accessible.

Purge and Clean

Getting your bathroom closet in shape starts with getting rid of the old and cleaning up. This is your first step to a fresh and organized space.

Assessing the mess

Before diving into bathroom closet organization, assessing the mess is essential. Emptying the closet and sorting through items is the first step toward creating an organized space.

Once you’ve assessed the mess, it’s time to move on to selecting suitable products for your bathroom closet organization project. The next step involves finding practical ideas and inspiration for a functional, beautiful linen closet makeover.

Product selection

After assessing the mess and identifying what to keep, it’s time to select the right products for your bathroom closet. Consider using storage containers, bins, baskets, and shelves that suit your space and provide easy access to everyday items.

When organizing a bathroom closet with deep shelves, employing freestanding drawers or tiered organizers can help maximize the vertical space. For those seeking small bathroom organization ideas, stacking bins or adding a lazy susan can efficiently utilize limited space while keeping everything within reach.


Place frequently used items at eye level for easy access. Utilize lower shelves for kids’ items and higher shelves for dangerous or less-used items, ensuring safety and convenience.

This helps maintain organization and efficiency in the busy bathroom space.


Labels help maintain organization and prevent clutter from building up. Implement this simple solution for an efficient bathroom closet.

By using labeled storage solutions, you can ensure that everything has its designated place, contributing to a well-organized space.

Bathroom Closet Organization Ideas

Get creative with your bathroom closet organization by adding a pop of color with a fresh coat of paint or some fun wallpaper. Utilize storage containers, label baskets, and bins, and use vertical space with stacking bins and tiered organizers.

With these ideas, you can maximize the space in your bathroom closet while keeping it organized and visually appealing.

Utilizing Light to Amplify the Perception of Space in Your Bathroom Closet

Wireless Closet Sensor Light

Wireless Closet Sensor Light

One crucial yet often overlooked aspect is the strategic use of light.

Natural and artificial light can remarkably create an illusion of a larger space. It can transform your cramped bathroom closet into a seemingly expansive area. When used thoughtfully, light can highlight the corners and crevices of your closet, making it appear more spacious than it is.

Consider installing a small, bright light inside your bathroom closet or strategically placing a mirror to reflect natural light. Not only does this make the space look bigger, but it also improves visibility, making it easier to locate your items. So, if you’re battling limited space, remember that a well-lit bathroom closet is brighter and bigger!

Utilizing Storage Containers

Stackable Storage Bin

Stackable Storage Container

When considering bathroom closet organization, utilizing storage containers can make a significant difference in keeping items neat and easily accessible.

Labeling Baskets and Bins

Portable Bluetooth Label Printer

Portable Bluetooth Label Printer

To keep your bathroom closet organized, labeling baskets and bins can make it easier to find what you need quickly.

Make sure the labels are easily visible and legible from a distance, allowing for quick identification of stored items.

Regularly update or replace labels as needed to ensure that they accurately reflect the contents of each basket or bin.

Storing Extra Items on Top Shelves

After labeling baskets and bins to organize smaller items, consider storing extra items on top shelves. Utilize the higher spaces for items used less frequently to free up lower, more accessible areas.

This helps declutter the space and keeps everyday essentials within reach while maintaining a clean and well-organized bathroom closet. Employing this strategy maximizes storage potential, making it easier to find what you need while optimizing space in the bathroom closet.

Utilizing Tiered Organizers

6 Tiers Hanging Closet Shelves Organizer

6 Tiers Hanging Closet Shelves Organizer

To optimize the space in your bathroom closet, consider utilizing tiered organizers for efficient storage.

Utilizing tiered organizers can help maximize vertical space in the closet, making it easier to keep items organized and visible at all times.

Adding a Lazy Susan

Turnable Shoe Racks Organizer

Turnable Shoe Racks Organizer

To maximize accessibility in your bathroom closet, consider adding a lazy susan. It allows easy access to items stored in tight corners or deep shelves.

Utilize a lazy susan to neatly arrange and categorize frequently used items, ensuring that every inch of your bathroom closet is utilized efficiently.

Stacking Bins

8 Packs Stacking Bins

8 Packs Stacking Bins

Maximize space in your bathroom closet by stacking bins.

Consider using stackable bins with handles for convenient retrieval.

Opt for modular stacking systems to customize the arrangement based on your closet space.

Utilizing Glass Jars

Glass jars are a versatile and affordable storage option for bathroom closets. They are perfect for storing cotton swabs, balls, and bath salts. They also add a touch of elegance to the closet.

Dividing Shelves

5-Pack Adjustable Drawer Divider

To further maximize your bathroom closet space, consider utilizing shelf dividers. These simple tools help create separate sections on your shelves and keep items neatly organized.

Consider using tension rods as vertical dividers to create smaller compartments for stacking towels or organizing smaller items like hair products and cosmetics.

Maximize vertical storage by efficiently using the entire closet space by adding stackable shelves or small bins between the divided sections.

Utilize fabric bins or woven baskets as standalone compartments within each divided shelf section for storing smaller loose items, keeping them organized and easily accessible.

Utilizing Freestanding Drawers

Freestanding Drawer Cabinet

5-Pack Adjustable Drawer Divider

Consider utilizing freestanding drawers to make the most of your bathroom closet space. These drawers can provide additional storage solutions and help keep items organized.

Consider stackable freestanding drawers to maximize vertical space within the closet without compromising accessibility.

Utilize shallow freestanding drawers to store flat items like makeup palettes or hair styling tools while using the available space effectively.

Choose transparent or open-front freestanding drawers for easy visibility and quick access to frequently used items in the bathroom closet.


Organizing a bathroom closet is essential for maintaining a tidy and functional space. Following the tips and ideas provided in this ultimate guide can transform any cluttered bathroom closet into an organized oasis. may get compensated if you purchase from our independent affiliate links in the article.

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