fast growing indoor plants

The Top 10 Fast Growing Indoor Plants To Brighten Up Your Home

Fast growing indoor plants are the perfect solution to brighten any space while adding a sense of vitality and freshness. As more people are prone to bringing the outdoors in, these rapid-growing plant varieties have become increasingly popular for quickly transforming living areas into lush, green sanctuaries. Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or just starting on your indoor gardening journey, incorporating fast growing indoor plants can instantly elevate the aesthetic appeal of your home while purifying the air and creating a calming atmosphere.

Top 10 Fast Growing Houseplants for Your Home

Dive into a world where lush foliage surges to life with minimal wait, transforming your living space into an oasis of growth. These vigorous indoor plants will enhance your decor and invigorate your home environment at an impressive speed.

Arrowhead Plant (Syngonium Neon Robusta)

Fast Growing Indoor Plants—Syngonium Neon Robusta

Syngonium Neon Robusta

Arrowhead Plant shoots up quickly, making it a champion among fast-growing indoor plants. Its vibrant leaves transform into arrow-like shapes that captivate the eye and add life to any room.

This plant thrives with minimal care, perfect for busy plant lovers. It adapts well to low light and can handle sporadic watering, which means less hassle.

Keep your arrowhead plant in bright, indirect sunlight to encourage its rapid indoor growth. Snip the tips now and then to help it stay full and bushy.


Fast Growing Indoor Plants—Golden Pothos Plant

Golden Pathos

Pothos plants are a top choice for those who want lush greenery without the hassle. They quickly climb and trail, making spaces feel alive. Place them in bright, indirect light and watch them grow with minimal effort.

Their heart-shaped leaves are not only beautiful but also great at purifying air.

Water your pothos when the soil feels dry, usually once a week. This easy-going plant thrives even if you forget to water it occasionally. Hanging baskets or high shelves suit Pothos well, and their vines drape gracefully down.

For busy plant lovers, Pothos offers swift indoor foliage that’s both robust and forgiving.

Peace Lily

Fast Growing Indoor Plants —Peace Lily

Peace Lily

Peace Lilies grow quickly and bring elegance to any room. They boast glossy, dark green leaves and stunning white flowers resembling a peace flag. This makes them perfect for busy plant lovers who want style without effort.

Peace lilies also help clean the air, tackling pollutants like benzene and formaldehyde.

Caring for these speedy home plants is a breeze. They thrive in low light and only need water once the soil feels dry. Plus, they’re forgiving if you forget to water them now and then.

With minimal care, your Peace Lily will flourish, offering rapid indoor plant growth and tranquility to your living space.

Spider Plant

Fast Growing Indoor Plants—Spider Plant

Spider Plant

This plant shoots up quickly and sends runners with baby spider plants at their tips. These tiny plants make it look like spiders dangling from a web, adding life to any room.

You won’t have to wait long for this greenery to fill your space.

Spider Plants are champions of indoor air purification and require minimal care. Give them indirect sunlight and a little water when the soil is dry. They thrive without fuss, perfect for busy people who love plants but lack time for high-maintenance care.

You can easily snip off those babies and share them with friends or grow more Spider Plants throughout your home!

Swiss Cheese Vine

Fast growing indoor plants—Swiss Cheese Monstera

Swiss Cheese Monstera

Swiss Cheese Vine climbs quickly and brings a tropical vibe to any room. Its unique leaves have holes, much like Swiss cheese, which is why it gets its name. This plant thrives with minimal care and can grow fast under the right conditions.

You can hang it up or let it spread across a shelf—either way, its speedy growth will impress you.

Bright light helps the Swiss Cheese Vine flourish but keeps it away from direct sunlight that can scorch its leaves. Water when the soil feels dry to the touch, usually once a week, depending on your home’s humidity levels.

Philodendron Plant

Fast Growing Indoor Plants—Philodendron Birkin Plant

Philodendron Birkin Plant

The Philodendron plant is popular for indoor gardening enthusiasts due to its rapid growth and low maintenance requirements. This fast-growing indoor plant thrives in well-lit areas with indirect sunlight, making it perfect for brightening any corner of your home.

The Philodendron prefers consistently moist soil when watering but can tolerate occasional dryness. It’s important not to overwater this plant, as it can lead to root rot. To keep your Philodendron thriving, ensure that it is placed in a location with good air circulation and provide regular fertilization during the growing season. With proper care and attention to its light and water needs, the Philodendron will reward you with lush foliage and vibrant growth year-round.

Kangaroo Pawn Fern

Fast Growing Indoor Plants—Kangaroo Pawn Fern

Kangaroo Pawn Fern

The Kangaroo Fern is a captivating and fast-growing indoor plant that adds a unique touch of nature to any living space.

Known for its distinctive fronds that resemble the paws of a kangaroo, this fern brings an element of whimsy and charm to your home decor. With its rapid growth rate, the Kangaroo Fern can quickly fill out and create a lush green canopy in your indoor garden.

The Kangaroo Fern thrives in bright, indirect light to ensure optimal growth and health. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, which can scorch its delicate foliage. Keep the soil moist but not waterlogged, allowing the top inch to dry between waterings. Providing high humidity levels by misting the leaves or using a pebble tray can help mimic its natural tropical habitat and promote robust growth.

As a fast-growing plant, occasional pruning may be necessary to maintain its desired shape and size.

Nerve Plant

fast growing indoor plants—nerve plant

Fittonia Nerve Plant

Nerve Plants, or Fittonia, display stunning colors such as greens, reds, and pinks. The intricate patterns on their leaves resemble nerves running through them, which inspired their common name. These plants are resilient and can return from wilted states once they receive enough water.

Nerve plants are perfect for those who appreciate low-maintenance greenery that adds life to any space. They make an excellent underplanting choice if you prefer not to see the soil in your indoor garden. Thriving in high-humidity environments like terrariums, nerve plants grow rapidly with proper care.

Whether used as interior decor or placed in a terrarium, nerve plants adapt well to different environments as long as they are grown in consistently moist potting soil. Their compact size makes them ideal for coffee table centerpieces or placement on bathroom window sills without obstructing views while adding a touch of nature indoors.

String of Hearts Plant

fast growing indoor plants—String of hearts plant

String of Heart Plant

The String of Hearts plant is a true delight for any plant enthusiast. Its long, slender vines are adorned with numerous soft grey-green heart-shaped leaves, while the variegated varieties boast hints of pink and white that make them even more charming.

This houseplant has gained immense popularity for good reason – it is known to be one of the fastest-growing plants you can have indoors. In just a warm week, the String of Hearts can add several centimeters in length to its vines. Their rapid growth rate may surprise you as they quickly outgrow their initial size within weeks of purchase.

One of the best features of the String of Hearts plant is its resilience and low maintenance requirements. Being succulent, these plants do not demand frequent watering or feeding to thrive.

Incorporating the String of Hearts into your indoor garden is an excellent choice to bring a touch of intrigue to your tropical haven. These plants work wonders when placed among other foliage as cascading accents in well-lit areas with filtered sunlight. Whether you’re an experienced gardener or new to houseplants, the String of Hearts will captivate you with its beauty and easy-care requirements.

Ficus Weeping Fig


Ficus Benjamina Midnight Braid

The Ficus Benjamina, also known as the Weeping Fig, is a beloved indoor tree that has captured the hearts of plant enthusiasts worldwide. With its stunning appearance and fast growth rate, it’s no wonder why this plant is a top choice for those looking to add a touch of nature to their indoor spaces.

One of the most remarkable features of the Ficus Benjamina is its rapid growth. Capable of putting on 30-60cm of growth in just a month, this plant can transform your space in no time. Nurseries often use this growth habit by planting multiple saplings and plaiting their stems to create unique and eye-catching trunks.

Adding a Weeping Fig to your collection can instantly elevate the drama and beauty of your indoor jungle. Whether displayed as a standalone feature or as part of a group of houseplants, the graceful weeping foliage adds an elegant touch to any setting. The leaves delicately dangle from the branches, creating a soft and flowing appearance that is truly mesmerizing.

While caring for plants from the Ficus genus may require some attention to detail, the results are well worth it. These plants thrive in indirect lighting conditions and prefer evenly moist soil without being waterlogged. Maintaining warm and consistent temperatures and regular repotting yearly ensures that your Weeping Fig stays healthy and vibrant throughout the seasons.

Tips for Growing Fast-Growing Indoor Plants

Unleash the full potential of your indoor greenery with expert tips that propel their growth skyward! Mastering a few simple techniques can transform even the most novice gardener into a plant-growing virtuoso, ensuring your lush companions thrive with vibrancy and vigor.

Proper Lighting

Proper lighting is key to ensuring your indoor plants thrive. Ensure each plant gets the light it needs, but don’t overdo it. Bright, indirect sunlight works best for most fast-growing houseplants.

Place them near a window where they can soak up gentle morning rays or soft afternoon light. Too little light slows growth and weakens leaves. Adjust the position of your plants as seasons change to ensure they get enough sun.

Some swift indoor foliage like pothos and spider plants are more forgiving if you forget to move them closer to natural light sources. For low-light areas, choose these speedy home plants that won’t mind a bit of shade.

Artificial grow lights can also help when sunshine is scarce in your home—turn on the lights and watch rapid indoor plant growth happen right before your eyes!

Adequate Watering

Watering your fast-growing indoor plants just right is key. Too much water can drown roots, and too little can dry them out. Check the soil with your finger. If it feels dry a couple of inches down, it’s time to water.

Aim for damp, not soggy soil.

Use room temperature water for your vigorous indoor plants. Cold water might shock their roots, and hot water can harm them. Give each plant enough to wet the whole root area. This will keep them growing quickly and looking great!

Choosing the Right Potting Mix

Choosing the right potting mix is crucial for fast indoor plant growth. Good soil helps roots breathe and take in water and nutrients. Look for a mix designed for houseplants, or make your own with peat, pine bark, and perlite.

Avoid garden soil; it’s too heavy and may contain pests or diseases.

Your vibrant, vigorous indoor plants need space to expand rapidly. Pick a potting mix that holds moisture but drains well so roots don’t rot. Choose mixes with added fertilizers or create a blend tailored to specific speedy home plants like pothos and spider plants for faster results.

Always check the bag to see if it fits your swift-growing indoor plants’ needs before buying.

Regularly Fertilizing

Feed your fast growing houseplants with the right fertilizer to keep them strong and healthy. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer every few weeks during their growing season. This boost helps your rapid indoor plant growth by giving them essential nutrients.

Check the label for how much to use so you don’t overfeed them. Stick to a schedule and watch your speedy home plants thrive with vibrant leaves and new growth.


The Top 10 Fast Growing Indoor Plants highlighted in this blog offer various options to suit different preferences and environments. Whether you prefer lush foliage, colorful blooms, or unique textures, these plants can quickly transform your home into a green oasis. By choosing fast growing indoor plants and providing them with proper care, you can enjoy the benefits of improved air quality, enhanced aesthetics, and a sense of tranquility that only nature can provide. Embrace the beauty of these rapid growers and watch as your home flourishes with natural charm and vitality.

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